
Bana Masal Anlatma 720p 51

Anatolia is rich with cultures and languages. The region that now includes Turkey, Greece, part of Syria, and a big chunk of the Middle East used to be a common area of flourishing civilizations. While many ancient cities remain intact today, some have been buried underground by erosion or collapsed into the abyss of history. This blog post will tell you about one such ancient city that was once thriving but has since been lost in time: Bana Masal Anlatma (“Bana Masal” means "town in Turkish" and "Anlatma" means “storytelling”). What makes this ancient village so interesting is its name which means "the town where stories are told. ” The city is believed to be around 5,000 years old and was originally built during the Age of Bronze. It was a major cultural center of Anatolia during the Hittite Empire. Bana Masal is thought to have been even more prosperous than Hattusa, the Hittite capital. Scholars believe that Bana Masal may have been named after a person named Banas or Banu, because a text found in Bogazkale mentions a God Banasun who was popular among the Hattians and Hattic people in general. Even though no detailed information about it has been reported, it is known that this city served as a meeting place for merchants from Anatolia to Syria and beyond. Bana Masal Anlatma is believed to have been a settlement for approximately 3,000 people. There are a few wall paintings in Bana Masal that shows the way of life in the town. The paintings illustrate everyday life in ancient times and show women grinding grain. Other scenes depict people collecting grapes from their vineyards and children playing around their homes. One drawing shows how women used to get together to draw water from the town’s well and carry it back home on their heads. From these wall paintings, we can get a very interesting glimpse into the lives of people who lived 5,000 years ago in this region of Turkey and hopefully we may achieve a better understanding of what life was like at this time period. Some scholars have suggested that this town was named after a person named Banas or Banu, as a text found in Bogazkale mentions a god Banasun who was popular among the Hattians and Hattic people in general. But no detailed information about the name of the settlement is available. There are no remains of a wall surrounding Bana Masal Anlatma. This city is thought to have been a trade center not only for Anatolia but also for Syria and Mesopotamia. The houses were made from wood, stone and mud-brick which helped them to withstand against harsh weather conditions such as mudslides from nearby mountains. The houses were on the flat part on the top of an elevated hill. The layout of Bana Masal looks like a wheel with streets all around it. Perhaps, this city’s original name was Ki(n)tu(m) Anlatma (Kintuh is another name of Hattusa, that is currently in ruins). Because there are walls that are still standing today that look like firewalls surrounding the city. Bana Masal also had cisterns, rock tombs and stables for horses and donkeys. The most important building in the city was the Banas Temple which is located at the center of Bana Masal Anlatma.


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